31 August 2009

AOX'ed out

Whats up people.

Hope you are all liking my blog so far. You all should be following me on Twatter lol ... I... I mean twitter :D
Check out the photoshoot me and my lil' sis Jamila got into. She's sick. I swear.
Had another lil' shoot in a school theme, Jam and her friend Jess took part in a blue themed crazy shoot xox


click on the pic

28 August 2009


"If you don’t have the mindset of a champion, you’ll never be one. " Joe Vitale

25 August 2009

What I do

As you all may have gathered, yup... i'm a makeup artist.

I have always loved art as you can tell from my art work when i was in my teens...
See below (all mine)

[[Click on image to see it better]]

My agenda

To be the best me that I can be without fear.

I plan to move to the States and follow my extrodinary ability to new heights.

I've been checkin some really cool blogs on the good ol' world wide web and it's got me thinking.

ANYTHING is possible, If you can dream it. You can do it.

TRUST, I plan to do just that. I'm a dreamer but definitely a go-getter.

I remember my teacher bringing me back to the London College of Fashion 2009 class and me showing them a presentation of my work. The first time it brought tears to her eyes, Nuff love Lucy! You are an inspiration! I remember her saying that I was the only pupil from her class that she could tell stood out, from my personality to my love for art.

She was ever so proud.

I was so nervous but I made sure I came prepared with a video i made on windows movie maker! You can check it out on my YouTube page.

I remember Lucy saying
that "my 'style' is very bold and that i'm not afraid to push boundaries for a complete unique look."

Well I plan to use this in the best way that I can and take this to higher levels. There are more opportunities in the States than in lil' London Town and I'm ready <3

18 August 2009

Puppy L♥VE

The cute lil' teddy bear esk pup...

The winker...

and the ONLY bulldog I will ever love...
I can finally exit out of the pages that Pooh sent me and keep them forever on my blog till we find our own forever and EVER!


16 August 2009


I wrote a blog about my evening on Thursday night gettin my hand wet into makeup and stuff! Then it went coz it likes to "autosave"!

Got to do a bit of facepaintin for www.ferofero.com @ PUNK nightclub Soho which pretty cool. Very eventful i must say.
I've done a photoshoot in there before like 2 years ago with a tog called 'the mofo'

The model didnt like my makeup but I thought that was the best thing at the whole shoot! lmao

It was cool doin something different. So many people where comin up to me to get a design - guys and girls

This is the lighting i had to work with in the VIP section
but even darker... a challenge but nothin i could not handle ;)

Some of the lovely faces I got to be creative with.


09 August 2009

Who ya know

So i've been thinking... In any industry its all about who you know.

Whether its modelling, makeup or music.
For example.

Amber Rose.

She was a nobody, more or less she was just a stripper before she got involved with Kanye West

Now shes signed to Ford models.

I mean, good for her. You know. Its all love but honestly. It really is about networking and knowing someone who knows someone who knows someone.

I've decided that i'm gonna try my best to do all I can do especially in the States. Its all about about making those connections and having a great support system behind you.

I'm getting my mind and body right. Eating properly. No junk, loads of water and exercising every day.

Gotta be serious now huh?

08 August 2009


Lately, ive been practising guitar alot more than usual, which is a good thing. I think it helps me to centre my thoughts sometimes. Kinda like therapy.

Thats music for ya.

So I haven't done make up in what it seems like YEARS but i know its more like months.
Ive been contemplating to myself if i could make it as a plus sized model. Even though people say i'm not plus sized.
Well i'm sure as hell not a size zer0


I'm sure I could find a market for myself in

This was taken about 3 years ago...
I think I look different. In fact I think these pictures were a fluke... See the modelling industry needs someone who doesnt think that their pictures are a fluke... I guess i have to work on my attitute.

Oh well... xxx

07 August 2009


"So you make a little money
Off of somebody else's sweat
So some people starve a little
While you get fat
While you get fat
So you grind and grind
And you push and shove
And claim that those most worthy
Will get what they deserve
What they deserve
It can't be true
It can't be true
Because I've seen too many hungry faces
I've seen too many with the likes of you
It can't be true
For you everything has it's price
You give nothing away for free
If silence were truly golden
I guess no one could sleep
No one could sleep
You have money at your fingertips
People at your beck and call
And you're fool enough
To think for a price
You can have the whole wide world
For all our sake's
And all our lives
We must hope the words
That come from your lips
We must hope those words are lies
For all our sake's
And all our lives
We must hope the dreams
Soulless visions that you have
Are never realized
You've got a big house
And you drive a fancy car
So what if your pockets are full
If you have an empty heart
You snap your fingers
And all the waters part
So what if the people bow down
If they show you no regard
Your left hand
Always watches your right
So what if you trust in God
If you can't sleep at night
You think you've made it
You think you've got what everyone wants
So what if you're a big fat man
With an empty little heart
Who has made a little money
Off of somebody else's sweat
Who watched the people starve
While you got fat
While you got fat
You got fat
You got fat"


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