28 February 2010

and I love this one...

My mum loves this song....

It reminds her off back in the day when she worked at a factory and the radio was on blast! <3

This is for you mum ;)

Well Done Tolula Adeyemi

I remember seeing this lovely lady on my makeup chair

London Fashion Week 2008 A/W
I had NO IDEA who she was, but she was friendly and it was pandemonium back stage. As it does...

Anyway, I just went see what this whole new Vogue Curvy/ Vogue Black thing was about and guess who I see....

Well done Tolula Adeyemi! Hope to work with you in the near future again xox

22 February 2010

Liberate our minds...

24 years young

Currently listening to:

Recently, i've been soul searching and observant. I was told yesterday that I seem focused (then she compared me to her sister who is a year older than I am and said she acts like she is 16.

Obviously i'm gonna take that as a positive :)

I turned 24 on the 19th February 2010.

So what I have been soul searching about you say?

How about passions.


Some of you may or may not know that I used to create music in my teenage years.
I've always been involved with music from young.
I can play the flute and acoustic guitar and am building the strength of my singing voice.

Art, in secondary school was my favourite subject. I have recently bought 2 large blank canvases, some watercolour and acrylic paints with a small palette and some brushes.

The fashion industry is such a popular and hard industry. Lots of people want things for free. But at what point does that stop so you can feed yourself?

I know that God has a plan for everyone. even for me and that is something that I think about alot.

I guess its all about the power of NOW. You don't know what the future holds...

You can be whatever you want to be in life.

Fear is only in your mind.

Don't surrender to it.

11 February 2010

Rest In Peace

You never know truly how sad someone might be inside...
Rest In Peace Alexander McQueen.

“It was all about decay,” Alexander McQueen says of his spring 2007 collection. “I used flowers because they die. My mood was darkly romantic at the time.” From this spring side of the bad-boy British designer to his fall collection that plunged into pagan gore, who else has managed to keep outrage and awe in fashion for so long?

I heard that he lost his mum recently and I cannot imagine the pain that he must have felt in order to take his life.

Life is so short... make the most of it while you can.
I definitely learnt that today and I am counting my blessings...

06 February 2010

John Lennon



"...Barbie stands for Broke Ass Ridiculous Bitches Imitating Everyones swag..."

Seriously, whats up with this whole Barbie B/S... its not cute at all. BE YOURSELF. Not Barbie like M$ Hu$tle says...

Nicki, why didn't you stay hard like this??


According to Necole Bitchie's blog site... Minaj says..

"I do not expect everyone to like me I know there is going to people that are going to hate me. I’m the same way, there are some artists who I love and there are some artists who I do not like. You have to at least give artists a chance but, I think with the girls a lot of people do not give us a chance because they might see us wearing a sexy outfit and they say, “this is a gimmick, blah, blah blah…” But, some of us actually have talent. That is a big part on why I decided to tone down my image because I want people to think about the talent first. I’m still going to be dressing and being crazy because I feel all girls should feel sexy. I’m not going to be over the top because it takes away from my talent. I do not want that any more."

Read more: Necole Bitchie.com: It’s Barbie B!tch: Nicki Minaj Interview

What do you think about it?


Check out Vibe magazine online and the rest of her pictures from her shoot. u go girl

05 February 2010

Heaven through the clouds

"This reminded me of you..."

Parle Vous Francais?

I took French in high school. I got a D for my GCSE's. Still I love the language and I hope to visit the country (since i'm only a train ride away.)

I will take a trip down there before I move from London.

Ive made a promise to myslf to continue with learning the language and I remember some of the french dialogue.

I'm looking into setting up my own studio so that I can take my own beauty photos and also make tutorials on my youtube.

Job hunting SUCKS ze BALLS.

got some great news but will share when the time is right!

February - the month of romance, passion and love. (i prefer through the whole year)

Au Revoir


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