29 July 2009

I am not my hair


Pooh Damnit said it FIRST "Women should be able to cut their hair off as a statement not for fashion because women should be able to shave their hair off like men and still feel and look beautiful, women should feel sexy about it" - I love you Pooh

This is for you SB

FUCK a haircut. Its not about fashion. Its a statement.
Rihanna and Cassie are lame.
Erykah Badu did it way back when

I did it again this week because its easy to maintain.... i did it a couple years ago and MAINLY because I want to and I can.

Its already been said so thats all I have to say about that *in a Forrest, Forrest Gump voice*

At the moment I cannot be bothered with this whole fashion industry... I'm gonna just do me full stop.
MY TOOTH FUCKING HURTS. Just had a wisdom tooth pulled out this afternoon. Tears were rolling down my eyes because it felt like the root of my tooth was attached to the temple of my BRAIN... I wanted to bitch slap the dentist at that moment. But anyways....

MUSIC! Oh how I miss thee..
I miss performing and creating it so much. I was reading about Kings of Leon and saw that Jared Followill

locked himself in a room and taught himself how to play bass guitar. Talk about a virtuoso.
Thats the shit I need to do.

At the mo my influences can vary from Nirvana, Led Zepplin, Dixie Chicks, Janis Joplin, Alanis Morrisette, Tracy Chapman, Kings of Leon and of course Kelis.

Plus I'm tryna think of a band name... *hmmmm....*


26 July 2009

Getcha hair did do i did...

I feel the breeze in my head piece...lol

Yup got my hair did. LOVE IT!

The whole time i had a nervous look on my face and that is ONLY because of the trust i have in hairdressers... its all about barbers who can use sissors and can CUT!

It looks sick...

This is the new beginning to my mind, body and soul...plus image.

"Change your image... Change your life..." - Peter Ishkhans

Love Peter Perfect! Very cool dude from the UK doin it big in the States.
That would be me one day... I can smell it and it smells GREAT!
What i'm basically saying that today is a brand new day, you never know when this life will end. Live llife to the fullest people... i dunno what that specifically means, but in my interpretation.
Check that link out

25 July 2009

Short Hair - I'm There

Now, i'm not one to jump on the bandwagon with things. I think that in life, you should always be true to yourself.

I'm always constantly changing my image through hairstyles, fashion and makeup and in 2007

I shaved my hair into a mowhawk and dyed the tips bright red in Virginia Beach.

It was SO easy to maintain and loved the feeling of freshly cut hair.

Having really short hair should be a a statement. Especially in this time and era and not just for fashion.

You don't need a £300/$600 weave. But if you do then rock it.

But this year i'm feeling to do this again.

19 July 2009



I have not done makeup for ages...
I think thats what me and my mum have noticed the most. I try to induce myself into art so something else doesn't get my attention and then I overthink everything.... whatever.

So i've been picking up the acoustic guitar and strumming away tabs and chords. Tryna jam and freestyle etc etc

*urgh I hate the graveyard shift* ....
see! Thats my attention span... LOL
Anywho. To cut the story short and keep it sweet. De-cluttering would elp in anything really.

Im a creative so being able to vent artisticly (yeah its my word) would be something i'd enjoy. I'm gonna focus on that... (and making money)


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