29 July 2009

I am not my hair


Pooh Damnit said it FIRST "Women should be able to cut their hair off as a statement not for fashion because women should be able to shave their hair off like men and still feel and look beautiful, women should feel sexy about it" - I love you Pooh

This is for you SB

FUCK a haircut. Its not about fashion. Its a statement.
Rihanna and Cassie are lame.
Erykah Badu did it way back when

I did it again this week because its easy to maintain.... i did it a couple years ago and MAINLY because I want to and I can.

Its already been said so thats all I have to say about that *in a Forrest, Forrest Gump voice*

At the moment I cannot be bothered with this whole fashion industry... I'm gonna just do me full stop.
MY TOOTH FUCKING HURTS. Just had a wisdom tooth pulled out this afternoon. Tears were rolling down my eyes because it felt like the root of my tooth was attached to the temple of my BRAIN... I wanted to bitch slap the dentist at that moment. But anyways....

MUSIC! Oh how I miss thee..
I miss performing and creating it so much. I was reading about Kings of Leon and saw that Jared Followill

locked himself in a room and taught himself how to play bass guitar. Talk about a virtuoso.
Thats the shit I need to do.

At the mo my influences can vary from Nirvana, Led Zepplin, Dixie Chicks, Janis Joplin, Alanis Morrisette, Tracy Chapman, Kings of Leon and of course Kelis.

Plus I'm tryna think of a band name... *hmmmm....*


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