06 February 2010


"...Barbie stands for Broke Ass Ridiculous Bitches Imitating Everyones swag..."

Seriously, whats up with this whole Barbie B/S... its not cute at all. BE YOURSELF. Not Barbie like M$ Hu$tle says...

Nicki, why didn't you stay hard like this??


According to Necole Bitchie's blog site... Minaj says..

"I do not expect everyone to like me I know there is going to people that are going to hate me. I’m the same way, there are some artists who I love and there are some artists who I do not like. You have to at least give artists a chance but, I think with the girls a lot of people do not give us a chance because they might see us wearing a sexy outfit and they say, “this is a gimmick, blah, blah blah…” But, some of us actually have talent. That is a big part on why I decided to tone down my image because I want people to think about the talent first. I’m still going to be dressing and being crazy because I feel all girls should feel sexy. I’m not going to be over the top because it takes away from my talent. I do not want that any more."

Read more: Necole Bitchie.com: It’s Barbie B!tch: Nicki Minaj Interview

What do you think about it?

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