29 December 2009


Its come to that time of the year where everyone wants a better year than the last.
Sux in a way that we always wait for a new year but its great for acknowledging and the n completing your goals.

So why not have a couple of my own.

  • Keep fit and healthy
  • Move to the USA
  • Become a plus sized model
  • Become a beauty editor for a magazine
  • Style, model and take my own pictures for my portfolio.
  • Start a band.
  • Continue with my makeup artistry to the point of no return.
  • See Tool in concert.

Just came back from having the best wholesome drinks. (thanks mum!)

This was Beetroot and Carrot juice
This was Carrots and Asian Pears

This was Celery and Asian Pears... I HATE CELERY

Good for the body!!

Luckee says hi (poser)

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